Congratulations to Dr. Bao Vue, 2024 Ph.D.! Appointed Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Bakersfield College, 2023.
Congratulations to Dr. Matthew Orellana, 2024 Ph.D.!
Congratulations to Justin Medrano, Graduating with B.S. in Chemistry with Highest Honors, 2023!
Congratulations to Ami Rose, appointed Assistant Professor of Chemistry at Folsom Lake College, Fall 2022!
Matthew Orellana (Ph.D., Organic Chemistry, Expected 2023) received the ACS Bridge Career and Professional Development Award in 2022. The award afforded him the opportunity to present his research, network with industries and ACS divisions of interest, and participate in career development workshops at the 2022 National Organic Symposium (NOS) and American Chemical Society (ACS) Fall National Meeting. He was excited to represent the Chemistry Department at UC Davis and shared his research on the synthesis of lipids and fluorescent probes with azides and terminal alkynes at these meetings. Matthew thanks the ACS Bridge Committee and Donors for the award.
Bao Vue (PhD, organic chemistry, expected ’23) received the ACS Bridge Career and Professional Development Award for traveling and presenting her work on the study of silicon NMR characterization and continuous flow synthesis of per-O-TMS sialic acid and regioselective O-acetylated-sialic acid. This award provided an interactive avenue to share her research on method development using silicon NMR monitoring and reduction of synthesis steps on O-acetylated polyhydroxyl natural products. In addition, this award offered extensive networking opportunities with government agencies, industries, and fresh starter entrepreneurs.
Congratulations to Ming Kwong on receiving a MS degree in Food Science at UC Davis – 2021!
Congratulations to Natalia Fernandes on earning a Ph.D. Agricultural Microbiology, Federal University of Lavras – Brazil / University of California, Davis, 2021!
Congratulations to Jonathan Hsu on receiving a MS in Pharmaceutical Sciences, UC Davis – 2021
Congratulations to Professor Jonel Saludes, Associate Vice President and Research and Global Relations Director at the Center for Natural Drug Discovery and Development, University of San Augustine, Iloilo, Philippines for being selected among the Top 100 Asian Scientists of 2021!
Congratulations to Professor Suvarn Kulkarni who became Institute Chair Professor at IIT Bombay Department of Chemistry 2021-2024. We are so happy for your accomplishments!
Congratulations to Associate Professor Joan Lorraine Go Schellinger who earned tenure in 2020 at University of San Diego, Department of Chemistry! Thank you for your example of success as a scientist and teacher.

Former group members – Professor Joan Schellenger and Dr. Evan Horn meet up at the Fall ACS 2017.
“From Candy to Chemistry: Ivy’s Journey” from DNA News.
“Sacramento State Students Pursue HIV Research With Federal Grant” from the Sacramento Bee.
Dr. Suvarn Kulkarni promoted to Full Professor IIT Bombay, 2016
Professor Suvarn Kulkarni awarded the prestigious Dr. H. C. Srivastava award from Association of Carbohydrate and Chemical Technologists India (ACCTI) for the year 2016. This award is given in recognition of significant contribution in the area of Synthetic Carbohydrate Chemistry and in promotion of scientific understanding in this field.
Professor Suvarn Kulkarni selected as Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry 2016!